Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fail Friday...Part 3...

Well, unfortunately I don't have any pictures to show for this weeks fail Friday, and that my friends, is the failure!!!!!!!!!!! I am having a garage sale starting in 9 hours, and I haven't set up and/or priced a thing. So, if I had it set up, I would show you lovely pictures of neatly piled tables, and stacks of books and clothes, etc.

But rather, it looks like I'll be resorting to throwing everything in a gi-normous pile with a sign that says .25 for all... :)

Why did I procrastinate on this?!?!?!? UGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

So what are your fails for the week? Lets get to linking :)

ps-I'll try to take pictures of the chaos that is sure to occur in the morning and post them tomorrow...garage sales are so fun *rolls eyes*


  1. Darn, wish I'd known you were having a garage sale! I'm ready to start clearing out some baby stuff!

  2. Cheer up....we sold things in bundles so we didn't have to price each item... A bag of stuff for $5.00 or $10.00. Just an idea. I hope you do well. Should be a perfect weekend for a garage sale. Good luck!

  3. I hope you survived your garage sale!! I need to do that too, but it is so MUCH work!!
