Probably my MOST favorite decor item are my library card catalog drawers. About 4 years ago at a garage sale a lady was selling around 3 dozen of these for $2 a piece. Hind sight is 20/20 and I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish I would have bought them ALL! But rather, I took my 4 home and they sat in a box in my basement while I figured out what to do with them.
I knew I wanted to hang them because I LOVED the geometric square pattern in them and you wouldn't see that if they were just sitting somewhere. Then it hit me...if I hung them sideways, I could use them as a shelf!
They've been my favorite ever since, and of course had to be one of the first things I hung in my bedroom :)
Look how banged up and WONDERFUL they are!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
So what is your favorite decor?