Thursday, January 5, 2012

Guess. Who's. Back.

I am BACK!!!!!!!!! So, I know what you're thinking...where the HECK did she go for the last year? Well, it has been one of the craziest 12 months of my life. So lets pretend this is speed dating, and I'll catch you up on things. And...go...
1) At 6 months pregnant, I decided to start a business
2) Business took off like a ROCKET!!!! (Check it out here and here)
3) After a long and difficult pregnancy, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
4) Juggling a new booming business + kids + husband + friends and family + maintain a household= nearly impossible.
5) Find out my father has stage 4 cancer and needs an incredulous amount of surgery to give him any sort of chance at life.
6) Watch him go through things I can't even begin to describe to you.
7) Add something as awful as cancer to the above equation (see #4) and you get one depleted momma!

And through all of that, I lost time for crafting. :( boooooooo

But, the bug has bitten me again, and I am back to check in with all my peeps!!!!! I have missed you all and I hope that you will leave me a comment and let me know how you're doing!!!!!!!! the craft! So in a pinch, I needed to make some gifts for some wonderful friends who have stood by me this year during all my ups and downs, and were behind me 100% even when family was not! Problem numero uno...I had no dinero...

Well, a trip to the dollar store was all it took, and voila, I was able to make something personal for each of them, and UNDER $2 a piece!!!!!!!!!!!!

Start with a Zen Garden, and a packet of file folders from the dollar store. (1 pack of file folders will make 12 of these signs...)

Mix in Glue, Vinyl, and a Cricut and here you have it...MAGIC!!!

Its been wayyyyyyyyyyy too long since I've crafted anything, and I'm hoping to make regular appearances around here again! Thanks for not giving up on me lol :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Freschetta is betta...

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of FRESCHETTA® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I had the pleasure of reviewing a delicious Freschetta Simply Inspired pizza, and I gotta tell ya, it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! Not only did Freschetta give me the opportunity, they've also given me a little something for you guys!!!!


The simply inspired pizza's are crisp, fresh, and unique so you really don't feel like you are eating frozen pizza!!!! They offer 8 unique flavor combinations with a variety of cheeses. I couldn't make my mind up so I tried the Harvest Supreme and the Rustic Pepperoni Pomodoro. The harvest supreme was by far my favorite. The sun-dried tomatoes and roasted red onions were fabulous...but the feta cheese REALLY topped it off!!!! The crust was light and crispy and scrumdiddlyumptious!!!!!! :)


They also have a Fresch-taste seal, that not only seals in the great flavors, it also uses 30% less packaging material!! 

So, on to the fun stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! Freschetta would like to give one of my lovely readers and opportunity to try one of their delicious pizza's as well. But not only that, the lucky winner will also get a FABULOUS bamboo cutting board!!! 

To enter this giveaway, please head over to the FRESCHETTA® Simply…Inspired™  website and take a look at their flavor combos, and  leave me a comment letting me know what flavor you'll be trying if you win!!!!!

This giveaway will end at midnight on Saturday, May 14th.

Visit Sponsor's Site

Thursday, March 31, 2011


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ProvoCraft for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We all know how much I love my Cricut...I make at least 70% of my crafts with it...

And now that I've been doing so much baking, it's got me wishing for the Cricut Cake. For those of you who haven't seen or heard of it, you have to check it out Cricut CakeProvo Craft. Can you imagine the possibilities?!?!? Look at this wedding cake. I am in LOVE!!!!



I have a million and one ideas for what I could do with a machine like this! And most of them center around fonts...

Can you imagine having a bundle of fonts to use on any given cake?!?! As someone who is not a fan of my own handwriting, I hate piping the words on by hand! I never get it symmetrical and I inevitably mess up at least one letter. So to be able to have a machine cut the words out for me and I can place them wherever I want...a girl can dream!!!!!!!! So, someone tell my husband I need one of these for Mother's Day will ya?


And March 30th and 31st, Provo Craft is offering FREE online classes for the cricut cake!!!!!!! TOTALLY FREE!!!!!!!! When does that happen?!?!? So, if you're interested in checking out a class, head over to the Provo Craft site and sign up, I know I am! 


And if any of you have the Cricut cake, I would LOVE to hear about it...just a forewarning, I will be green with envy, but I want to hear about it anyway ;)

Visit Sponsor's Site

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gettin' Crafty on Hump Day....

I'm BaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaacckkkkkkkk :)

So, its time to link up! I'm dying to get some "little girls" inspiration since I have a little girl coming home in 2 months!!!!!!!!!!! So, please, if you have any little girl crafts, LINK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link up any projects as always...but I really wanna see your girly stuff!!!!!!!

Ok, no solicitations, and please leave comment love!!!!!

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gettin' better on hump day.......

Sorry guys, but I have to postpone this weeks linky party. I'm sick....


Sorry everyone :(

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gettin' Crafty on Hump Day....

Well peeps...time to get crafty on hump day again :)

Last weeks party was a smashing success and we ended up with a 2 way tie for most popular link!

One was for the Layla Bag over at Atelier Caroline:
Seriously?!??!! How cute is that?!?!?!?!? I am in love!

And also, we had an awesome St. Patty's Day Burlap Sign tutorial over at Red Heads Craft More Fun:
You had me at Burlap. The coolest part is that I remember loving this sign last year when she posted it, and I STILL love it this year! The uncoolest part (yes, I know its not a word) is that, I still haven't copied her and made myself one yet! ;)

Ok, so, lets link! No solicitations and PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE leave me some comment love if you link up a project :)

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gettin' Crafty on Hump Day....

Well folks, time to link up your projects! I hope your week is going well! :)

I haven't gotten any crafts done this week because I've been baking like crazy! Here's what I got finished just over the weekend:

Chocolate Fudge Cadbury Cookies:
Cookies and Cream cake:
Creme De' Menthe Cake:
And scrumdiddlyumptious coconut cream pie:

But the at home bakery has taken off phenomenally! In fact, I have TEN cakes to make this week!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH

Can't wait to see what crafting you all got done :)

Please no solicitations, and please leave some comment love...and link away...

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